The BambooBio company, was born with the goal of offering biodegradable products, both single-use and reusable, but the entire range of our catalog is intended for recycling in an ecological way, respecting the environment.

We are born with the purpose of contributing our grain of sand in the conservation of the planet, increasingly punished by CO2 emissions, but also with the massive dumping of plastic products to the sea, so harmful and with so few means and complexes to recycle.

The governments of the countries most sensitive to the environment, have already initiated a policy to reduce the consumption of this type of products, and society demands a total turn of the market, focused on the production of elements that have a special sensitivity with environment.

For these reasons, from BambooBio we believe that there is an opportunity to change things, in a sustainable way, and with initiatives that reject aggressions to our natural environment, by a social conscience, currently educated with another philosophy of life, much more continuous with our planet.

Not only do we want to be a company that sells products, we also ‘sell’ the illusion of having a better world.

One of our star products are bamboo straws, totally biodegradable, reusable and 100% safe for food and people, of course also for children. This is because bamboo contains a unique biological antibacterial agent, called “Bamboo Kun”, which is found within its fibers, and its sole purpose is to combat any bacteria or fungus that tries to grow in it.